Informal one-on-one meetings with colleagues

Remote work
is not a reason for isolation
Human needs human, especially at the present time. Research has shown that contact with colleagues is one of the key factors in productivity and job satisfaction.
The chatbot helps to attract and retain your employees, creating a friendly and productive environment
Saving HR time
Scenario for your tasks
Meetings without awkwardness
Friday Bot
A culture of openness
and trust
Reduced feeling of isolation
Substitution of meetings for lunch or coffee
The chatbot introduces colleagues to each other
Telegram, Facebook, Slack,
MS Teams and even Email
Convenient integration
The chatbot helps to get to know each other by suggesting topics for conversation

Appointment of interlocutors

One-to-one video communication or in groups. Skype, Zoom and their equivalents

Communication with colleagues

For HR and executives.
Creation and setting up of scripts and scenarios

Analytics and customization
Our solutions

• One meeting a week with a random colleague (1-2 additional criteria for matching teams are possible: by departments, skills, interests, etc.)
• The service organizes meetings, collects feedback
• Meetings' analytics
Random Coffee (informal communication)
Test the chatbot Random Coffee in Telegram

• Walkthrough of the onboarding scenario
• Meeting the head manager and colleagues
• Mood polls
• Emotional support
Onboarding and employee adaptation
Test the Onboarding chatbot in
People get to know their colleagues better
• Meeting the participants
• Teamwork and project work facilitation
• Tasks for practical application of knowledge from the program
• Networking with top managers and other colleagues
Support for training courses and HiPo programs

• Culture of remote work: every week the service invites the team to try the practice of remote work: planning sessions, effective meetings
• Self-care practices: the service offers relaxation and mental health practices for 5 - 60 minutes
• Sympathetic communication in teamwork
Skills development courses
New hires learn all the information they need to work in the company, get to know their colleagues, and have support.
Courses are completed more often, and the knowledge is used in practice

Participants get to know colleagues and learn about development prospects within the company
Increasing the productivity and motivation of the team by introducing the practices you like.

Emotional burnout prevention, company support for employees.

Mutual trust increases in the team, conflicts and misunderstandings decrease
We have worked with different communities and companies, including:
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